
When a Pet Dies

There’s nothing quite as heartbreaking as reaching the end of your pet’s life. Whether the death comes suddenly or unexpectedly, or at the end of a long period of suffering, the realization that end-of-life plans must be made can be both daunting and unnerving.

We Are Here to Help

Our staff members are experienced at guiding pet owners through the last moments of their pet’s lives. We are here to assist you - whether that means coming to your home to transport your pet to our facility or visiting the veterinarian’s office to begin the final arrangements process. Give our office a call at any point for this type of immediate assistance.

As Your Pet Nears the End

If you are caring for your pet as her final moments approach, there are a number of different things you can do to help ease the transition from this life. Here are a few recommendations:

  1. Comfort your pet by speaking soothingly, turning down any bright lights and playing soft music. Don’t be afraid of crying - your tears are a natural expression of the deep bond that has existed between you and your pet.
  2. Cover your pet with a blanket, as circulation often slows down at the end of life.
  3. Keep your pet’s mouth moistened by carefully dribbling water onto his tongue. Do not try to force feed your pet as the end nears.
  4. Understand that the senses begin to fail as death draws closer. The sense of smell will go first, then the senses of taste, sight and hearing. Know that even if your pet can no longer smell you, she may still take comfort from seeing you and hearing your words of comfort.
  5. Let your pet choose the place he wants to lie down. Gently reposition him to make him more comfortable - if necessary - and surround him with favorite toys and other meaningful items.
  6. Remain close to your pet, but don’t crowd her. Being too close might make her nervous, but - just like you would - she wants to be surrounded by loved ones at the end of her life.

After the Final Breath

Once your pet takes his final breath, take comfort in the fact that you’ve helped him to leave this life as peacefully and as gracefully as possible. Then, call our office to begin the arrangements process. We will handle the details of your pet’s final disposition while you focus your attention on grieving the loss of your friend and supporting those who are left behind.